The Strongest Man in Finland Association was founded in 1987. Since then the association has organized the Strongest Man in Finland competition annually, in addition to other events and smaller strength athlete competitions. The main focus is on the Strongest in Finland competitions. Preparations for next year’s competition begin right after the previous competition has ended. Our extensive experience has taught us a lot and has helped us improve our events even further.
The founders of the association, Ilkka Nummisto and Markku Suonenvirta, also participate in various shows and are often present in different strength athlete events. The duo has toured youth homes, prisons and various other places to promote and educate people about the sport. The goal of the association is to promote sports activities especially among young people in order to create a traditional, life-long exercise routine.
The association also offers strength athletes a chance to advance into international competitions. Following their victory in Strongest Man in Finland competition, various athletes have gone on to compete internationally, among them well-known Finnish strength athletes Jouko Ahola, Janne Virtanen and Riku Kiri.